Our interests and areas of exploration lead us in life to experiences. Some writers are lucky to have a clear and abiding interest in a particular area. Maybe it is Faith based. Maybe the interest is in science or music or art. Those foundations will serve the writer well.
The more we can write about our interests the easier it will be to develop our own voice. This voice is part of the foundation of all expression.
I like the subjects of mindfulness, gratefulness, kindness and art. When I read about these from experts in the field, I am exposed to new perspectives and I might notice some things in the day that I would otherwise miss. I can keep adding to my awareness so that a theme develops in my heart and mind. This will give me the connection that I really need.
And once we are connected, we can nurture that as we write our words and create our stories to share with the world.
Here are some excerpts from my areas of interest that form the foundation for my writing.
From the ABCs of Life:
All is well in this time of the
soul and all will be well on earth.
There was no beginning or ending
to God’s plan. As this time unfolds,
God’s certainty for the good of all
mankind is met with great joy by the
angels and archangels, the guides and
For now, you may rest in the
certainty that you are loved beyond
measure by forces of God and nature.
Kindness is a choice and a path
at the same time. Kindness to others
increases self-love. There is a sweetness
that begins with an act of kindness and
it lasts longer than any material gain you
can imagine.
From Kauai Gratefulness:
We can, if we are grateful of each opportunity to do something, learn something, smile at someone, look - but really look at the sky and the plants and just take a moment to know we are truly blessed to be able to love. That capacity to love is not small thing. To shift our thoughts about the necessities of daily living into just realizing our capacity to love could open the day into so many directions.